Duele el Corazon | Zumba Routine

Regardless how silly people might consider Zumba workouts I still think it is a fun way to shred pounds. You do feel silly sometimes doing it, but only because you are self-conscious for not being a professional dancer. I say, embrace your silliness and enjoy yourself.

It is however imperative to like dance. I understand that there are people who would not even consider dancing as a form of fitness and I respect everyone’s standpoint, but please try it. It is effective and we all need to loosen up from time to time if not regularly.

Zumba is very fun when practiced in a group and if you are living alone as I am, me and the kids on the video will be your company. But, if you live with other people, friends or family, encourage them to try this routine with you. They will thank you. Or, at least you will all laugh and have good time.

Hope you like it reader. Now, go and enjoy your time as a dancer. And remember, you can always subscribe to my YouTube channel where I post videos like this one regularly. 
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