What’s the Best Time to Exercise?

It is set, no more postponing it, finally you’ve decided to move your body, shake it shake it. But, who would have guessed that making that decision was the easiest part of the process. Suddenly, the urge to do it properly has hit you with an overwhelming mass of questions, like the inevitable: What is the best time to exercise? Let me go through the options for you quickly.


If you are an early bird, morning exercise might be the right option for you. You’ve had at least seven hours of good night sleep, now you are up and ready to hit the gym, jog or salute the sun. Whatever the fitness activity of choice, people who exercise in the mornings claim there is no better way to start a busy day than to boost those energy levels before other chores interfere with their free time.


Not everyone wakes up early. Cocktails with friends, followed by hours spent on internet, or even late-night cravings hardly put the heart rate in a rest zone or wind down the body. Many people suffer from insomnia, sleep late or simply need more time to wake up. Exercise shouldn’t be a strain, therefore, Instead of pushing your body in the morning, maybe evening is the best time to exercise for you.


On the other hand, exercising too late in the evening can also disrupt your sleeping patterns. The body needs time to prepare for sleep, so for some, midday is the best time to exercise. Maybe during lunch break, with a co-worker if you don’t like exercising alone – just remember first workout then eat. Exercising on full stomach can make you sluggish and can easily lead to stomach discomfort.

So, put your mind at ease for there is no right and wrong time to shred the extra pounds. We are all different, find what works for you. Try different times, see what suits your body rhythm and daily schedule and that is the best time to exercise for you. Whether it is morning, midday or evening, just make sure you do it regularly, exercising is about consistency. Moreover, enjoy it, it is part of your routine now and make most of it. Your body and mind will thank you later.
