Exercising in time of Corona

Fact number 1

We are living in strange times that no living person on Earth have experienced anything remotely similar to this in their lifetime. Global pandemic is as serious and scary as it sounds. But, I am writing this post on 1st of April, which means the initial shock of what is happening in the world has a little bit worn off. And, being a fitness trainer for the past 15 years, people confused by all the contradictory information out there, are repeatedly asking me should they exercise in time of Corona?

So let’s tackle some facts and hopefully make a conclusion regarding this dilemma.

I am not going to get into the conspiracy theories as to where, how and why this virus was made. I am the kind of person that accepts the situation, no matter how bad, and tries to make the most of it with what I'm given.

Fact number 2

From what scientists advise us, the best protection against the Coronavirus is social distancing. Therefore, if you have been ripping the benefits of team sports, group fitness activities or exercising in fresh air, I understand your disappointment. But, it is what it is. Man up! The seminal thing here is not your preference over the safety of others, but protection, for yourself and everyone else. So, accept that you are going to exercise alone and inside your home.

Now, let’s take just one step back and consider the question “Should we exercise at all?” The answer to this is simple YES, we should.

It is a common knowledge that one of the many benefits of exercise is boosting of the immune system and we all know how important the immune system is in the fight against any virus, let alone Coronavirus. 

However, this boost does not happen directly, nor in a manner of the more you exercise the better immune response your body cells and fluids will have against substances that appear foreign and harmful. Exercise is only one of the measures you should take towards a healthy lifestyle, together with: eating a healthy balanced diet, maintaining a healthy weight, getting an adequate sleep and minimizing stress.

Understanding this, another question imposes and that is "How much should people exercise?"

Fact number 3

Both too much and too little exercise is not going to be good for you. Too little exercise, even though being better than none, is still not enough to maintain, let alone improve, person’s overall fitness. And we need to be in good condition to fight diseases. 
Too much exercise, on the other hand, decreases the secretion of immunoglobulin A, the first line of defense in secretions of mucosal surfaces of the gastrointestinal, respiratory, and genitourinary tracts, therefore strenuous exercise will do you more damage than good.

The answer here lies in moderation, or to be more precise, 20-30 minutes, mild to moderate exercise, up to three times per week. And, try to make it a full body workout.

(If you need help or guidance as to what exercises to do in order to squeeze a full body workout in 20 minutes, keep an eye to my forthcoming blog posts, or subscribe to my blog to receive email when new posts are posted, since I am planning to write in depth on this subject really soon.)

All in all, in time of Coronavirus pandemic, exercise is preferred to sedentary lifestyle. However, now is not the time to gain strength, or drastically lose weight, but rather to maintain a healthy level of overall fitness. Find what feels comfortable for you and be careful to not overexert your body. Always give your body time for recover, not to make it vulnerable to attack. And remember to be creative in your exercise routine, I cannot stress how much fun exercising could be. But, above all be optimistic as much as you can.

Stay safe.
